Hello, and Welcome!
You’ve landed on my ideas website darrenlarsen.com. Thanks for stopping by.
So who am I?
Father/husband, loyal friend, doctor, teacher, mentor, Chief Medical Officer, snowboarder, cyclist, storyteller, and music lover.
I love exploring ideas. I am excited watching those I have the privilege to help, succeed. I am fascinated by who we are as people: cultures, life histories, perspectives, positions, languages, political views and the stories we tell.
Not everything is about leading. Sometimes being the best leader means being an effective follower. In doing both then the time is right I want to change the conversations we are having with each other.
In this website you will see more of who I am, what I believe in and the positions I am willing to take publicly on issues that matter. I encourage you to comment and respond. I hope you will find them important enough to talk about with me and our peers and that I may have prodded you into action. And ultimately I am hoping that this conversation will make us better healthcare professionals and people.
Thanks for being part of it!