Category: Primary Care

The Digital Evolution of Primary Care: An Analysis and a Path Forward

The Digital Evolution of Primary Care: An Analysis and a Path Forward

Last month I was honoured to be part of a panel on the state of Digital Health in Primary Care, at the Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto.  The panel discussion with three other esteemed colleagues (Sonya Lockyer – Lifemark; Dov Klein – Ontario Health; Zayna Kayat – Deloitte/Teledoc) centred around digital health processes…

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The Shifting Landscape of Primary Care in Canada – Physician Perspective

The Shifting Landscape of Primary Care in Canada – Physician Perspective

This is the second post in a four-part series on my blog, about current trends in Primary Care in Canada.  These trends are not all encompassing, but I think they serve as a great starting point for discussion around what is needed to properly transform health care delivery in the community, making Family Medicine a…

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The Shifting Landscape of Primary Care in Canada: A Patient-Centric Perspective

The Shifting Landscape of Primary Care in Canada: A Patient-Centric Perspective

In recent years, primary care in Canada has undergone significant transformations, largely driven by changing patient expectations and the evolving healthcare landscape. Covid-19 certainly shifted our focus, both looking very sharply at needs at sub local levels, but also  at broader system change that is required to keep our population healthy. From the patient perspective,…

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